Scott's Vision

Brian Fultz Looking To The RightI pledge to continue being a mayor who brings government and community together.

I have a positive vision for Sedona. I pledge to continue being a Mayor who brings government and community together, and I encourage you to share your vision to help shape Sedona's future. I will continue to address important issues such as Healthcare, Short Term Rentals, Workforce Housing, ATVs, Traffic and Transit, and Over Tourism. At the same time, I want to lift the Arts in our community and improve Recreation opportunities for all.

I believe that our community would benefit from greater public participation in planning our future together. A wide breadth of participation in all aspects of our community creates a richer experience for all. I plan on hosting social gatherings around the city to welcome residents and business owner's input. I will continue to be available on social media responding to questions and suggestions as I have this past year.

During my first year as mayor, I met with many residents at City Hall as well as at their homes. It is important that I stay connected, receiving calls seven days a week, just as I have for the past nine years.

A City That Protects the Community from Short-Term Rentals' Proliferation

The impact of the uncontrolled proliferation of short-term rentals has been devastating to neighborhoods across our city. It has enabled over-tourism on our roads and trails. It has forced workers, families and retirees out of their homes. We have lost that sense of community that we once had.

As your mayor I fully support:
  • Returning local control over short-term rentals so we can cap their numbers in Sedona.
  • Regulating short-term rentals to the extent the law allows.
  • Working with both sides of the aisle in the Legislature for meaningful legislation to mitigate STR impacts.
  • A city offering rental housing for its residents to downsize and its workforce to keep our businesses running.
To maintain a resident-focused city, we must ensure adequate rental housing for all levels of income and care needs.
  • We have identified and purchased lots within our city limits for workforce rental development projects.
  • The City Council has purchased property such as the Cultural Park to ensure that much-needed- housing is available for rent to residents and our workforce.

A City That Balances Tourism and Preservation of Natural Resources

Sharing Sedona's beauty with others has created challenges for residents and has impacted our magnificent landscape. By bringing tourism in-house, we will create solutions that protect our environment and the effects of over-tourism.

Scott's been busy:

  • Working with the U.S. Forest Service to create limited access to OHVs within areas that are being destroyed and overused.
  • Working with State and Federal Legislatures to eliminate street use of OHVs, lower sound limits and increase fines for habitat destruction.
  • Working with the OHV rental companies (4) to reduce muffler noise, ensure that each OHV has directionals, reduction of maximum speed to 35 m.p.h.
  • Educating tourists so that they adhere to the Sustainable Tourism Plan.

A City Focused on Sustainability

Our red rocks deserve respect and attention. We must also be mindful of maintaining clean air and water for our future. The city must do its part in moving toward sustainability, and I support:
  • Converting the city's fleet to all-electric vehicles where practical, building and encouraging more electric vehicle charging stations.
  • Utilizing gray water from the city's Wastewater Treatment plant by rerouting it back to Sedona for appropriate uses.
  • Encouraging greater bike use through bike rentals, more bike paths and water stations.
  • Creating a city less dependent on cars.
  • The community plan envisions a more walkable and bike-able community. Its goal is to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and resulting pollution. I encourage more people to leave their cars at home and walk, bike and use public transit as an alternative in reducing traffic and congestion.

I support:

  • Continuing to expand our transit service with micro-transit vehicles to include easily accessible neighborhood routes providing options to local destinations.
  • Adding sidewalks and other pedestrian improvements such as shared-use paths to increase safety for walking and biking.
  • Constructing a new transit system including "micro-transit" that would work like Ube
Brian Fultz In A Creek

A City That Provides Recreation Opportunities for All

Sedona should offer all types of recreation opportunities for everyone, including children, seniors, and their pets. Gathering spaces are essential to the well-being of our community. I support:
  • To create recreation opportunities and provide creek access.
  • Expediting the completion of Ranger Park on Brewer Road so that it can provide a community space to showcase our history and the arts while having unique play structures for children and fun games such as horseshoes and bocci ball for adults.
  • Exploring the development of a community recreation center with an indoor pool that would be open year-round.
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